Taking the Temperature of Bay Area Real Estate Markets
Taking the Temperatures of Bay Area Real Estate Markets, is information on a county by county comparison using 8 different criteria.
Taking the Temperatures of Bay Area Real Estate Markets, is information on a county by county comparison using 8 different criteria.
One thing to note: typically, all things being equal (which they rarely are), the smaller the unit the higher the dollar per square foot. Average unit sizes have steadily declined in the last hundred years, but there are lots of other issues: quality and appeal of construction (which greatly varied by period), where a certain […]
Nationally, the Case-Shiller Index ticked down a tiny bit in November, but the SF Metro Area ticked up a tiny bit. Probably neither change is statistically relevant and we should simply say, according to C-S, that Bay Area prices remained flat month over month, and indeed have remained basically flat since the end of the […]
We boiled down the brand new 36-page SF Planning Dept. Pipeline Report – for both residential and commercial projects – into a “Highlights” report, and the PDF is attached. The bullet points are worth a browse. This first chart is straight from the city’s report. Almost 7000 residential units are currently under construction – including […]