Work, work, work for the Long Weekend cometh!
One week from today, all federal, state, county and municipal offices will be closed in honor of Labor Day; and as another day of the celebration, most non-retail businesses will also close, giving their employee’s one last long weekend for the summer. This holiday was established in the 1880’s as a street parade to exhibit to the public “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations, followed by public and private celebrations, speeches and parties. Today, it is more celebrated as a day of rest; however many communities continue the tradition of parades, political speeches and public celebrations. San Francisco will be honoring this day through numerous celebrations as well and there are many to choose from such as Golden Gate Park Band, Sausalito Art Festival and Architecture and the City. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a happy and safe Labor Day holiday!
Categories: Local Attractions
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